
As a passionate and knowledgable instrusty professional, I enjoy approaching complex projects with a holistic approach. A large part of my success while working with people stems from my ability to cultivate intuitive understanding of their needs, and spearhead the project from there. Have a look at the work I've done in the past, and get in touch to learn more.


Lead the design of a 180° FOV camera for sports live streaming and analytics. I created the first prototype using a custom 3D-printed enclosure. I designed and created MVPs of hardware, firmware, and web services. I also led the team into developing analytics models. The system is currently being used by Skyy FC. (Website:

Flash! Yoyo

My team took inspiration from mechanical aperatures, and designed a yoyo mimicking a camera. I was specifically in charge of the lens and lens cap design, designing molds in Solidworks and generated the g-code in MasterCAM. I was also in charge of the manufacturing run for these parts, using optimized injection molding and thermoforming to create the parts. This was the final project for Design and Manufacturing II, a class focused on teaching design for manufacturing and provide hands-on experience on various methods of manufacturing. Our yoyo was also the fastest spinning in the history of the class.

Recycling Contamination Removal

We developed a prototype system for cleaning plastic food containers for food courts and cafeteria, making them more recyclable. This was the final product for Product Design and Development, co-taught by MIT Sloan Business school, and Rhode Island School of Design. I played a major role in design and creating our prototypes, as well as the final validation and testing.

Low-cost low pressure-drop irrigation filtration

We designed and tested a horizontal settling chamber for drip irrigation in developing countries. Drip irrigation systems use pumps to pump water from a local water source through a pressurized network of plastic tubing installed along rows of crops. Our filter showed great capacity for eliminating impurities, without a significant increase in the pressure losses of an overall system.

Emergency Power Pack

The emergency power pack was a product envisioned to supply power to military personnel. I worked to improve the limitations of the previous design, and create a product fora much wider customer base. I was part of a two person subteam that designed and tested a new approach for regularizing the rate of reaction. Our new design allowed us to make several more sweeping design decisions, that changed the system design, allowing us to target a non-military customer base.

Transformable Desk

Precision design of a desk, meeting stiffness and translation range requirements.

Next Big Tipper

In my freshman year, a new student group was formed in my dorm - Next Big Thing embarked on projects for incoming students. I joined the group and worked on subsequent projects: a slide (slipper), a zip-line (zipper) and a larger swing (flipper). In the final semester of my junior year, I had the honor to design and lead the construction of a 16 ft. see-saw (tipper).

Sonic Screwdriver

A portable multi-tool combinining multiple inputs and effectors.

Miscellany and Making

Various projects from coursework, and a hodgepodge of personal projects.